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Year 1 Take on a Scientific Investigation

Year 1 Take on a Scientific Investigation
Pre-Prep PrePrep

What a busy week in Year 1!

The visit from our Mummies and Daddies on Monday was so much fun! We painted, made windmills and continued to develop our story language, retelling the story of the Little Red Hen using puppets. Settings and characters were also a focus as we continued to learn how to use adjectives to describe settings as well as the characters in the story.

In maths, we started to work on partitioning to make number bonds and using this knowledge to solve simple problems. Painting harvest vegetables was a calming way to spend our afternoon as we observed different types of pumpkins and squashes and tried to copy shape and colour. In science, we continued to develop our understanding of simple classification, looking at fish anatomy and comparing it to mammals and birds. We used our investigative skills to look at the skeleton and identify parts of the fish’s body.

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Year 1 Take on a Scientific Investigation