Reception Enjoy a Picnic on the Moon
Eyes to the skies in Reception this week as we have introduced our new story: ‘Whatever Next’ by Jill Murphy.
The children have enjoyed putting themselves into Baby Bear’s shoes, or should we say space boots, as we thought about what our main characters might say whilst taking a well-deserved break on the moon. We also made some very interesting looking aliens as we practiced our counting skills, with some having up to 10 arms! The children beautifully demonstrated our school value of 'respect' on Wednesday as we made some beautiful Remembrance artwork, thinking about the meaning of the poppy ahead of our Remembrance Service next Monday. Colourful rangoli patterns and swirling Mendhi decorations were designed by the children this week as the celebrations of Diwali came to a close. Looking at all these beautiful colours and patterns inspired us to create some tropical birds for our Pre-Prep Guy, which we were excited to see come together ready for the Firework display.