Specialist Support for Pupils with Specific Learning Difficulties

We have a team of four specialist teachers who are experienced in teaching pupils with Specific Learning Difficulties such as Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Autism, Attention Deficit Disorders, Memory and Processing weaknesses. We offer structured, cumulative, multisensory Dyslexia programmes alongside targeted Reading, Writing and Maths support, help with study skills and revision and tutoring in Touch Typing and Assistive Technologies. In addition, we support children to boost their memory, organisation, fine motor skills and handwriting. 

Once a need has been identified and usually following an internal assessment, lessons are designed and delivered individually to a bespoke plan. There is regular liaison with the form and subject teachers and regular feedback is given to parents.

Although elements of assessment and review are built into each session, a more formal review of the intervention and progress is made each term at a minimum. Parents have the opportunity to meet with the Learning Support teacher and/or Head of LSU at Parents Evenings and on request. Boarding parents often choose a video call or arrange a meeting before Exeat or Half Term/end of Term.

If concerns about a child’s progress persist, we have links with local Educational Psychologists, who can visit the school to carry out a full assessment and make recommendations for targeted support and intervention. 

My child has benefitted enormously from the LSU provision and made some remarkable progress under their tutelage; it has been first class. This combined with the most wonderful Form Teacher and staff have enabled her to recover massive gaps left by her previous school while not damaging her self-esteem and confidence. It has been quite something to watch.

Parent of SEN Pupil


Head of Learning Support

As Head of Learning Support, Rebecca is responsible for improving outcomes for children with identified needs. Alongside teaching individual pupils, she assesses pupils and puts together recommendations for support. This can either be in-class adjustments or lessons within the Learning Support Department.

Regular liaison with parents and teachers forms a key component of her role, ensuring that support needs are communicated and met and the profile of SEND is raised across the school. Rebecca prepares referrals for further assessment and funding requests for children with parents in the Armed Forces. Rebecca visits children in class and offers support and advice and also runs a Touch-typing club in the Upper School.