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Reception Reminisce Their Summer Term

Reception Reminisce Their Summer Term
Pre-Prep PrePrep

The Reception children had a rather delicious start to the week as we learnt about halves and doubles using pancakes, blueberries and bananas!

They were very quick to notice that I didn’t cut the pancakes fairly, and that I put all of the blueberries on my half! Outside of the classroom, we have enjoyed dance, tennis, forest school and PE; trying to squeeze as much as possible into the last few days.

As we come to the end of this academic year, there is much excitement about the summer holidays, but it has also been a time for reflection in class. The children created some beautiful pictures of their favourite memories from this year. This has promoted discussion around what we have enjoyed in Reception and what we are looking forward to in Year 1. Using trays every day in the dining hall is the cause of much excitement, as well as starting French lessons and going to the theatre for drama!

It has been the most wonderful year and we wish you all a fabulous summer. We look forward to seeing the children across the playground as they skip into Year 1 in September.

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Reception Reminisce Their Summer Term