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Nursery Top Off Summer Term With Ice Cream

Nursery Top Off Summer Term With Ice Cream
Pre-Prep PrePrep

For the Dragonflies final week in Nursery, they read many books to explore and learn about minibeasts. They began the week by reading ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar.’

The children explored the life cycle of a caterpillar and could relate this to other life cycles they had explored previously. The children also developed their adding skills during maths this week by adding spots onto the butterflies’ wings. They then used their brilliant counting skills to see how many spots they had altogether. The children used their creative minds to make a very hungry caterpillar out of an egg carton and paint, while also creating caterpillar and butterfly puppets.

The next book the Dragonflies read was ‘Superworm.’ The children thoroughly enjoyed the rhymes in the book and made their own superworm using a repeating pattern. The children also had the opportunity to measure a range of different sized worms using cubes. They were then able to figure out which was the largest worm, and which was the smallest. To finish off the week, the Dragonflies read ‘Norman the slug with the silly shell.’ The children had the opportunity to design a shell, while also showing off their brilliant scissor skills when cutting out a spiral.

It has been an amazing year, filled with learning, fun and laughter. The children have been fantastic and we hope you all have an amazing summer holiday!

What a wonderful final week our Butterflies and Ladybirds have had! This week's theme was 'Summer holidays' and the children could be seen dressed in their swimming costumes and goggles, ready for a trip to the seaside! The children have enjoyed roleplay going to the seaside, making foam and playdough ice creams, and designing and decorating their own ice lollies!

On Wednesday, the children were excited to find that the classroom had been transformed into an ice cream shop overnight. We discussed their favourite toppings and flavours and then they came to the shop to buy their ice cream of choice. They helped to scoop, sprinkle and squeeze to create a delicious dessert!

We had a wonderful final day, venturing out towards Jubilee woods for a Teddy bears picnic. We played parachute games and enjoyed spending our last morning together. We are so proud of everything the children have achieved this year, we've had so much fun together and learnt many new facts and skills! We wish you all a wonderful Summer and look forward to hearing your news in September.

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Nursery Top Off Summer Term With Ice Cream