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Reception Meet Some Lovely New Lamb Friends

Reception Meet Some Lovely New Lamb Friends
Pre-Prep PrePrep

It has been another wonderfully busy week in Reception. On Monday, Miss Dunnett brought three of her gorgeous, Valais Blacknose lambs to meet the children.

It was a super opportunity for us to learn more about them and to have lots of cuddles; the lambs were very well behaved and would be welcomed back anytime! In our art work, we have learned how to use charcoals to create wonderful Koala pictures, based on the story of Kevin the Koala who learnt that the world isn’t quite as scary as it sometimes seems. Friday was a day of celebration as we shared the children’s successes in our Prizegiving – it is always so wonderful to see the children’s excitement and I felt so proud of each and every one of them and their amazing progress this year. It is hard to believe we are nearly at the end of term, fingers crossed the sun keeps shining for our last week.

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Reception Meet Some Lovely New Lamb Friends