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Nursery Take a Look at All things Animal This Week

Nursery Take a Look at All things Animal This Week
Pre-Prep PrePrep

The Dragonflies have had a fun-filled week focusing on farm animals.

On Monday, the children had a special visit from 5-week-old lambs. The children had the opportunity to feed and pet the lambs. After this exciting visit, the children each created a woolly lamb by threading black and white wool around a hoop. This was a great opportunity to develop the children’s fine motor skills. On Tuesday, the exciting visits continued as we had a visit from a chicken and her chicks. The Dragonflies explored the life cycle of a hen while being able to see each stage in real life. After holding the chicken and chicks, the children showed off their brilliant cutting skills by using the scissors to cut out pictures showing each stage of the hen’s life cycle. They were then able to stick them in the correct order and re-tell the life cycle of a hen using the vocabulary egg, hatch, chick and chicken. To finish off the week, the Dragonflies had a lovely Prizegiving Ceremony where they received a special book to recognise their hard work and achievements over the year.

This week the Ladybirds and Butterflies have been finding out about Tigers. The week began with a very messy mystery, as the children arrived at Nursery to find the jungle animals' tea party had gone horribly wrong. There was food scattered all over the floor and the animals were upside down and falling off chairs! Thankfully, the Nursery CCTV captured a very hungry Tiger who had come to tea.

The children used their dough disco skills to create new food for the jungle animals including caterpillar cake, sausages and gingerbread men.

To make the most of the lovely weather, we have spent lots of time in the woods. The children went on a jungle hunt, and sang 'Walking through the Jungle" as they discovered animals

throughout the woods. They then cooked up some treats in the mud kitchen and built dens for them to live in.

The children have also found out interesting facts about Tigers, explored their stripey pattern, created Tiger masks, and enjoyed using their imaginations whilst playing in the jungle themed small world.

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Nursery Take a Look at All things Animal This Week