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Year 1 Put in a Tremendous Effort in the Classroom and Race Course

Year 1 Put in a Tremendous Effort in the Classroom and Race Course
Pre-Prep PrePrep

Year 1 are brilliant story tellers and love innovating the stories they know with new characters and endings.

This week was no different as they made their own version of ‘ The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch’.

We had Granny Hilary making lunch for Granpee, we had Pixie the dog and Tim the farmer with his dog Teddy! The seagulls were scared away by snakes, bombs and all sorts of clever trick planned by the children and they used brilliant story language to retell their stories. They also practised their coin counting skills and worked out how to make 20p. Most bean plants are now growing although some are still sleeping in the soil and we eagerly await their arrival! Mrs Jenkins is not quite sure what happened! Our Light house moving pictures are complete and look amazing up on the wall in the corridor. The highlight of the week was sports day as the children shone and showed great courage and integrity in all events! They made us very proud.

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Year 1 Put in a Tremendous Effort in the Classroom and Race Course