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Year 2 Become Reporters in the Classroom

Year 2 Become Reporters in the Classroom
Pre-Prep PrePrep

The adventurous life of Grace Darling has been further explored this week.

We used role play to allow ourselves to be transported back in time. Many of us took our roles very seriously when we were being interviewed, describing the terrible events, immersing ourselves completely in the roles and bringing the terrible conditions experienced by the Darling family and the survivors from the SS Forfarshire to life. These experiences have helped the children become reporters and write newspaper reports, remembering the four ‘w’ rules of who, why ,where and what happened. They tried very hard not to include facts we knew about the story that weren’t relevant or could not be included in a newspaper report. It has been lovely to see all the skills they have learnt over their time in Year 2 put into this piece of work and is something they should all be very proud of completing. The sun has continued to shine on us for most of the week and we have been practising our athletics skills already for Sports Day which will be with us soon (next Tuesday). The weather hasn’t hampered any of our practices and the children know the events they will be taking part in next week.

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Year 2 Become Reporters in the Classroom