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Reception Take a Closer Look at Habitats in the UK and Australia

Reception Take a Closer Look at Habitats in the UK and Australia
Pre-Prep PrePrep

Reception have become ‘wombat experts’ this week!

We loved learning facts all about these cheeky animals, with some favourite facts including ‘wombats teeth never stop growing’, ‘they eat bamboo and grass but love carrots!’, and (the most popular fact!) ‘wombats have a hard bottom’! The children used their sounds and keywords to write fact files about wombats, using adjectives, conjunctions and even some similes!

In Forest School, Reception have been comparing and contrasting animals who live in the UK with those that live in Australia, finding out about similarities and differences between the animals and their habitats.  They then created their own wombat soup using natural materials – delicious!

The children have continued to explore aboriginal art this week, looking carefully at patterns, pictures and colours and incorporating them into their own unique designs.  We learned about the importance of artwork in the aboriginal culture expanding our knowledge and understanding of people around the world.  The children took great time and care decorating their rainmakers and we look forward to finding out more about other cultures, art and music next Friday when we have Chris, the Didgeridoo Man, joining us for the day!

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Reception Take a Closer Look at Habitats in the UK and Australia