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Reception Create Wombat Stew!

Reception Create Wombat Stew!
Pre-Prep PrePrep

Gloopy mud, chewy feathers, flies and gumnuts have all been popped into the billycan this week in Reception to make a delicious wombat stew!

The children have loved the story of the pesky dingo who fancied making a meal of the nice, fat wombat. Luckily, all of the other bush animals came to help but it didn’t quite turn out as dingo had planned. We have retold the story using story maps, by making puppets and creating our own ‘yummy’ stews. The children have thought about some incredibly disgusting ingredients for their own stews and have described them using wonderful adjectives and alliteration; with slimy slugs, crunchy creatures and fluffy feathers all being put into the pot.

In our topic work we have been finding out where Australia is, using the globe and atlases. We have looked at the different territories and states and have realised, by looking at photographs, that the main difference from England is definitely the weather! In our creative work this week, we have made rain sticks; learning about how the Aboriginal people used natural materials to make instruments and looking at the meaning of different shapes and patterns in Aboriginal artwork. It is wonderful to see the children so excited about their new topic.

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Reception Create Wombat Stew!