Year 2 Children meet The Twits
The bright lights of the stage are calling us all in Year 2.
We have been getting ourselves ready to perform our Year 2 review at the end of this week. As we are looking at the seaside, in the past and present we have decided to create an underwater extravaganza for our performance. The children have been busy collecting their amazing art connected to this topic. Accurate pastel drawings of shells, intricate drawings of fish from Victorian etchings, water colour paintings and willow fish. All this preparation for our review has not stopped us from being busy in the classroom. Especially when we met an awful couple of people called the Twits from the Roald Dahl story. The terrible deeds they get up to have encouraged us to use connectives, write descriptive paragraphs and even file a police report! I wonder what we will find out about them next. Maybe we will be lucky enough to meet some of the helpful characters from ‘The Enormous Crocodile’ to stop their dreadful deeds.
Please can we remind everyone to bring sun hats the sunny weather is meant to be back next week.
Mrs Davison and Miss Coker-Harris