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Pre Prep Has Been Full of Singing and Stories

Pre Prep Has Been Full of Singing and Stories
Pre-Prep PrePrep

It has been wonderful to see some signs of Spring starting to appear this week, including the crocuses that we planted to raise awareness of Polio, pushing up through the ground. We are looking forward to returning to a sea of purple under the apple tree after half term!

This week, in assembly and lessons, we have been focussing on how we can stay safe online as part of the Safer Internet Day theme ‘Changes Online’. The Year 1 and 2 children shared what they enjoyed doing online as well as any occasions where something makes them sad, worried or annoyed, with some super ideas including when their screen time is up, when something takes a long time to load, when the battery is low, when a device freezes and when they lose a game they are playing. We explored how our feelings change while online, depending on what happens, and that it’s important to recognise how you’re feeling so you can get help from a trusted adult, such as a parent or teacher. We would be delighted if you could join us in celebrating the day by continuing the conversation at home. To help you with this, for the UK Safer Internet Centre have created some free activities and information for parents and carers which are available at:

On Thursday, we held our inaugural ‘Mini Interhouse Song’, where the Pre-Prep children performed to an audience before receiving feedback from Mrs Sclater, our Director of Music, and Mr Benbow. The children (and teachers!) had been busy rehearsing and it showed – the standard was so high! What a lovely way to work collaboratively across the year groups to put on a dazzling performance. Well done to everyone who took part!

On Thursday, we welcomed our Reception Grandparents into school for a story afternoon together. The children enjoyed sharing their learning with their Grandparents and this special time together.

Finally, the online booking system will go live for Parents’ Evening bookings on the School Portal on Monday 19 February at 10am, and close at 3pm on Friday 23 February, ready for the week beginning 26 February. Please ensure you are able to access the school portal before this time, and notify us if not. Once on the School Portal, go to ‘School Information’, then select ‘Parents’ Evening’ on the drop-down menu where you will be able to select your teacher and time. There is also a demo when you click on ‘Parent Evening’ in case you need any support.

After all the coughs and colds going around this term, I hope your children manage to rest and recharge over the half term, ready for an exciting second half of the Spring term – can you believe we are half-way through the year already!

With very best wishes,

Miss Strugnell

Flickr album: Pre-Prep, Inter House Singing, Week 5, Spring, Term 2024 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin


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Pre Prep Has Been Full of Singing and Stories