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Christmas Excitement is Building in Nursery This Week

 Christmas Excitement is Building in Nursery This Week
Pre-Prep PrePrep

The Christmas celebrations have begun!

This week, the Dragonflies started off by listening to the Nativity story. They then looked at a story map of the Nativity and thought of some great actions to help us re-tell it using a range of time openers. The Dragonflies then discussed their favourite parts of the story and had the opportunity to draw it, and explain why. A few favourite moments were when baby Jesus was born, also the descriptions of the wise men because they had beards! The Dragonflies also developed their prepositional language to help find the donkey as he kept getting lost and Mary needed him to travel to Bethlehem. They ended up finding the donkey in the bath, behind a tree and even in a shopping bag! To finish the week, the dragonflies had a fun-filled Pre-Prep Christmas activity day, where they got to make their own snow globe and even meet Father Christmas for a special treat!

This week the Ladybirds have been looking at the story 'Little Robin Red Vest'. Robin was a kind friend who shared all of his jumpers to the animals when they were feeling cold. This sparked us to talk about how other birds keep warm in winter. We watched a video clip on migration and the children thought about how they like to keep warm in the winter. We then made some binoculars and bird feeders and went out on a bird watch for the morning, providing the birds with some tasty treats. In the classroom, Little Robin’s vests got all muddled up and the children have been using their number skills to put them all back into order. They have also painted some wonderful robins, made their own migrating birds and designed some beautiful winter jumpers using collage materials.

Everyone enjoyed taking part in our Festive Friday at the end of the week, we were so proud of how far the children ran during our Rudolph run. The children were full of Christmas Excitement, after decorating our class Christmas tree and receiving a visit from Father Christmas himself!

Mrs Manchorova and Miss Wadman

Flickr album: Nursery, Gymnastics, Week 11, Autumn Term 2023 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin


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 Christmas Excitement is Building in Nursery This Week