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Year 2 Have Been Sounding the Bells at St Barnabas Church this Week

Year 2 Have Been Sounding the Bells at St Barnabas Church this Week
Pre-Prep PrePrep

With the fireworks still ringing in our ears from the fantastic display on Friday night, we were ready for an exciting trip to St Barnabas Church in Queen Camel where we were able to wonder at the marvels in the beautiful church.

The children learnt about the Green Man in the church and how King Charles had included him on his Coronation invitations. Construction costs for the church were only £15, a considerable sum at the time. All the children rang a bell in the church, it had been made from a collection of sixpences that were then melted to create the “Ting Tang” bell. We also discovered that the six bells in the bell tower are the heaviest set of six bells in the country. They were rehung at the turn of the century without the aid of cranes! The delicious biscuits made by one of the church wardens gave us all the energy we needed to finish the trip before our return to School. There were so many highlights to the trip, the children and staff all learnt so many facts and pieces of interesting information. It then gave us the inspiration to write about the visit the next day with relevant details!

Mrs Davison and Miss Coker-Harris

Flickr album: Year 2, St. Barnabas Church Visit, Week 9, Autumn Term 2023 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin


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Year 2 Have Been Sounding the Bells at St Barnabas Church this Week