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Did you know, wombats have a hard bottom? Well, our reception pupils do!

Did you know, wombats have a hard bottom? Well, our reception pupils do!
Pre-Prep PrePrep

This week Reception immersed themselves in our Australia topic by becoming Wombat Experts.

On Monday morning, Mrs Benbow sent Reception an email explaining that she had been to Australia, however, she did not get the chance to see a wombat and would love to know more about them. To help Mrs Benbow, the children decided to create a video all about wombats. After watching some videos, the children found out some very interesting and funny facts about wombats. Did you know, wombats have a hard bottom to protect themselves from predators and amazingly their teeth never stop growing! In our topic work, the children continued to learn about Aboriginal people and how they used to communicate through pictures. The children then used these pictures to create a story on their rainstick in the traditional style of dot painting. Reception have been enjoying this glorious weather… it really felt as if we were in Australia this week!

Mrs Manchorova and Mrs Sheldon

Reception, Numbers, Week 8, Summer Term | Flickr


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Did you know, wombats have a hard bottom? Well, our reception pupils do!