Reception Look at Animals and Number Stories!
Numerous fruits and vegetables have been on the menu this week in Reception as the children have invented their own stories based on ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar.’
It has been wonderful to see the children confidently tackling longer pieces of writing and retelling their new stories to their friends. Eric Carle has also inspired our artwork and, after sharing the amazing book ‘Animals, Animals,’ the children designed their own papers and turned them into fantastic animal collages. This was a collaborative piece and the children selected some of their friends’ paper designs to add to their own work.
The beautiful weather has enabled us to take our maths outside this week where we have been learning about equivalence. The children enjoyed an energetic game of ‘Split 7,’ developing their number bonds and writing number sentences with the big chalks to describe the number story. We have also used sticks to make enclosures for the farm animals and investigated the different ways we can organise them between the pens.
Mrs Sheldon and Miss Manchorova