Year 1 Had An Eggs-traordinary Week Of Space Themed Activities!
5, 4, 3, 2, 1.. Blast off! And that’s exactly what we did in Year 1.
We have spent this week designing, adding papier mâché and constructing our very own plastic bottle rockets. Made particularly special by having the help of our grown-ups as part of Year 1’s family hour. When in our science and D&T lessons we had the great task of building and testing our Eggstronaut landing pads based on our designs from last week. A successful mission and no Eggstronauts were injured during their return earth. Our English lessons accompanied our space crafting perfectly. Creating our own non-fiction planets fact file filled with facts that we carefully collected from some non-fiction books in class. It truly has been an out-of-this-world week!
Mrs Jenkins and Miss Wells