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Well Done to our Nursery Super Stars!

Well Done to our Nursery Super Stars!
Pre-Prep PrePrep

The Dragonflies began the week by reading ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’ and thought about where farm animals live.

The children all agreed they are not supposed to live in someone’s house but on a farm! The children were then introduced to a very clever robot called a Beebot. The Dragonflies learnt how to programme a Beebot to take it on a journey around the farm, pressing the arrow keys to make the robot move forwards, backwards, left and right. The children managed to get the Beebot to travel to the duck pond, the horses stable and the farm shop. Carrying on with the farm theme, on Tuesday the children enjoyed a game of farm animal bingo. The Dragonflies had to blend sounds together to figure out which animal they had to cross off on their bingo board. All the children used their amazing phonic skills when blending the sounds and managed to shout out BINGO, once they had crossed off all of the animals!

During maths, the Dragonflies have been learning about one more and one less. When reading ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’ the children were able to figure out how many animals were entering the house by adding one more and finally how many were left in the house after removing them one by one. The Dragonflies then had the opportunity to create their squash and a squeeze house. They developed their cutting skills when cutting out farm animals and stuck them onto their own house which they decorated.

To finish off an eventful week, the Dragonflies had an amazing Sports Day where they got to show off the fantastic sporting skills they have been working on throughout the year!

This week the fairytale fun has continued as Goldilocks made an appearance, causing all sorts of trouble! The Ladybirds and Butterflies began the week, practicing using saws, hammers, and hand drills to make some new furniture for the Three Bears. The children were visibly proud as they successfully cut a piece of wood in half using the handsaw.

In the classroom, the Ladybirds investigated hard and soft materials, finding out which materials were best for Mummy and Daddy Bear's bed. The Butterflies enjoyed caring for Daddy Bear, feeding him porridge and making him a giant cosy bed!

The children have also spent time creating bear masks, Goldilocks puppets and mixing oats and water to make gloopy porridge!

The excitement was building throughout the week as we practiced for our Sports day. When the day finally arrived, we were so proud of how well the children showed off their sporting skills that they have learnt throughout the year. There were smiles all round as they confidently ran, jumped, threw and travelled over and under obstacles!

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Well Done to our Nursery Super Stars!