Soup and a show for our reception children this week
It was wonderful to see so many parents at our ‘Stay and Play’ morning on Monday, we enjoyed sharing a new story with you and the children loved showing you around the classroom.
In English we have read the story, ‘Stone Soup’ and the children have thought about the wonderful things that can be achieved when everyone works together. They wrote shopping lists and speech bubbles for the characters in the story and then, on Wednesday, they made their very own hearty soup (no stones allowed!) It was wonderful to see the children carefully chopping the vegetables, adding the herbs and stock – the soup was delicious and there was enough for us all. Crunching through the woods in Forest school this week, the children looked closely at the changing leaves and identified some of the many tree species we have in our woodland. Our Harvest festival on Wednesday gave the children the opportunity to perform their Harvest song and poem to a packed theatre; I was so proud of their confidence and lovely loud voices.
Mrs Sheldon