Water Babies and Animal Babies in Nursery this week!
This week, the Dragonflies and Ladybirds have been investigating 'The Journey of Life as We Grow'. We discussed each stage of life and the journey of transformation that we undergo as we grow up.
Next, the children made 'Water Balloon Babies' for which they had to think of ways to care for such a precious thing. In a large group, we thought about ways that we would care for a baby and understand how we protect them. From this, the children made a cot and blanket for their water balloon babies to ensure they were warm and snug during their naps. In Personal, Social and Emotional development, the children shared facts about their own families and talked about how they are related to each family member.
This week has been all about snails in the Butterfly room! We began the week by reading the story of 'Snail and the Whale', this sparked the children's imagination to pretend they were at the seaside for the day. Some children used sticks as imaginary fishing rods, to catch a fish and chip supper and others were on hand to do the cooking on the fire pit. Later in the week, we focused on snails, reading the story of 'Norman the slug with a silly shell'. The children have been exploring different ways to make spirals through mark making, using a variety of sensory materials and through the interpretation of dance. In the woods, the children manipulated clay into a snail body and chose from a variety of junk to create their snails a shell.
As we ended the week, we visited Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm. This trip was influenced by the children’s interests in animals and links to our topic of ‘Growing and Changing’. The children enjoyed a hands-on experience where they got to meet all sorts of animals, great and small.
Miss Ellis, Miss Wadman and the Nursery Team