Butterfly Facts and Beautiful Bumblebees in Reception This Week.
It has been a busy week in Reception this week. The children have been developing their understanding of doubling and double facts using precious jewels and by creating spotty patterns on butterflies.
In Forest school they have made the most beautiful bumblebee wall hangings and have looked at honeycomb filled with pollen and wax. Butterfly facts have helped to inform our writing this week as the children have been writing fact filled sentences. Did you know that butterflies do not have eyelids? Or that they do not have a nose? On Wednesday we listened to various pieces from The Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint-Saens, and drew our own interpretations of the animals we could see in our minds as the music played.
In other news, we have three chrysalides in our butterfly enclosure and we are so excited to see them emerge before the end of term.
Mrs Sheldon and Mrs Manchorova