Nursery Children Have Started Exploring The New Topic Of 'Winter Into Spring'
This week the Dragonflies and Ladybirds have started exploring the new topic of 'Winter into Spring'.
First in a large group, they discussed their understanding of what happens in Spring and looked at two beautiful texts. They built a further understanding by watching a short video showing the changes in season. The children have created some beautiful pictures of what they feel Spring looks like to them.
This week the Butterflies have been focusing on the story of the Hungry Caterpillar, looking closely at the life cycle of a butterfly. The children showed interest of how the butterfly flies and created their own butterfly wings using paint and different shaped sponges. They have also used balloons to paint their very own Hungry Caterpillars.
Miss Ellis, Miss Wadman and the Nursery team
Click here to see all the photographs on Flickr