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It Has Been a Busy Week Of Baking In Nursery!

It Has Been a Busy Week Of Baking In Nursery!
PrePrep Pre-Prep

This week, the Dragonflies and Ladybirds looked at the story 'Elmer in the Snow'.

We discussed how we wouldn't normally find an elephant in a cold country and especially not playing in the snow. The children noticed how Elmer camouflaged himself by hiding in the snow, so his friends were not able to find him. Later in the week, we found out about other animals that live in cold countries who are able to camouflage to keep safe and also warm in winter.

It has been a busy week of cooking in Nursery, we have made healthy vegetable soup that kept us warm on a cold day and we made Elmer biscuits of different sizes which were unique to each individual child.  

This week, the Butterflies have been focusing on the story, 'We're going on a Bear Hunt'. The children have used a variety of senses to explore the story in depth. They began the week experimenting with musical instruments, matching sounds to the different obstacles throughout the story. On Wednesday, we brought the story alive, and the children ventured into the woods, travelling through thick oozy mud and swirling whirling snowstorms on their own bear hunt. Luckily, it was a friendly bear they found sleeping in the cave! The children then enjoyed some bear cupcakes that they had baked together earlier on in the week - a very tasty treat, alongside some hot chocolate!

Miss Ellis, Miss Wadman and the Nursery Team

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It Has Been a Busy Week Of Baking In Nursery!