A Fun-Packed Week For Year 1!
Cranes, trampolines and very tall ladders were just some of the ways that Year 1 envisaged that they would catch a star, inspired by this week’s book ,‘How to Catch a Star’ by Oliver Jeffers.
In Science, we explored a variety of materials such as chocolate, ice and rock and how they fair in hot and cold conditions; all useful information when constructing a star-catching plot!
Having planned and written the instructions, now all that was left was to gather the equipment. Luckily, Year 1 have also been learning all about money this week, working out the value of coins and exploring the variety of ways in which totals can be made and added together. They have been set in good stead to purchase the items that they need in their star catching mission. With the half term coming up, I’d keep an eye on the dark nights as you might find fewer glittering stars by the end of the week…
Miss Wells and Mrs Jenkins