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Festive Bakes and a Present Hunt in the Woods for Nursery

 Festive Bakes and a Present Hunt in the Woods for Nursery
Pre-Prep PrePrep

It has been a festive last week in Nursery!

The Dragonflies used all their previous learning from our numbers of the week to be able to order numbers to 10. After practising this a few times, the children were able to complete a dot-to-dot drawing to create a festive picture. Moving through the week, the Dragonflies made some delicious reindeer cakes for our Christmas party on Wednesday. The children followed the recipe carefully and made sure to add the correct number of eyes, antlers, and colourful noses on top of their cake. Our week finished off with some groovy dancing to Christmas tunes, party food and dancing games!

The Christmas fun continued in the Ladybird and Butterfly room. The children have been thinking about what they'd like for Christmas, writing letters to Father Christmas and designing stockings, thinking of what they'd like to find in them on Christmas morning. The children have been developing their fine motor skills, trimming Father Christmas' beard using scissors, so that he is looking smart for the big day ahead! In the water tray, they made festive soup and juice for Reindeers, as they mixed, poured, and chopped an array of Christmassy ingredients.

The festivities ended with a delicious Christmas lunch, which all the children thoroughly enjoyed, a present hunt in the woods and some spectacular dancing during our Christmas party. What a fun-filled term we have had! We hope you have a wonderful Christmas and can't wait for more fun in the new year.

Merry Christmas from the Nursery team!

Mrs Manchorova and Miss Wadman

Flickr album: Nursery, Festive Baking and Crafts, Week 13, Autumn Term 2023 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin


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 Festive Bakes and a Present Hunt in the Woods for Nursery