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Nursery have been visiting the seaside through lots of books this week

Nursery have been visiting the seaside through lots of books this week
Pre-Prep PrePrep

This week in Nursery, we have continued to look at journeys that we might take during the Summer with our focus on 'making a trip to the seaside'.

We started the week looking at the book ‘Above and Below the Sea and Shore’, in a large group the Dragonflies and Ladybirds discussed what they noticed in the story and shared facts that they knew about animals that live in the sea. The Dragonflies received a letter from a mermaid with a problem to solve. Some of her mermaid scales had fallen off, which meant her tail was no longer waterproof. She needed something to cover her tail until her new scales grew. So, the children investigated different fabrics and materials to discover which would be best for the mermaid. In Mathematics, the Dragonflies have been busy doing some shell subtraction, whilst the Ladybirds have been doing starfish counting.

This week, the Butterflies have been continuing their 'Under the Sea' topic.  We began the week reading, 'JoJo and Gran Gran visit the beach'. The children discussed what they have done when visiting the beach, including lots of sandcastle building and ice cream! The children then had a morning of creating where they made a seaside in a jar and a paper plate aquarium.  This involved lots of hand-eye coordination, transporting and counting. The children did a fantastic job scooping and pouring sand and water before counting out a variety of sized shells to add to their seaside. Towards the end of the week, it was all about ice cream! The children made puffy paint ice creams in the creative area and then, in cooking, they chopped some fruit to make some healthy and refreshing ice lollies!

Miss Ellis, Miss Wadman and the Nursery team

Flickr album: Nursery, My Favourite Animal, Week 9, Summer Term | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin
Flickr album: Nursery, Seaside Jars, Week 9, Summer Term | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin


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Nursery have been visiting the seaside through lots of books this week