It's Been a Week Full of Activities For Pre-Prep, Read Miss Strugnell's Round Up of the Week Here!
This week has seen nearly every weather possible in just a few days; sunshine, rain, wind and even snow! With Spring on the horizon, we have hope for new beginnings and lighter days.
In assembly this week, the children have been learning about the Hindu festival Holi. Holi symbolizes the celebration of Spring, friendship, family, and the victory of good over evil. Communities gather to throw bright-coloured powder - red, green and yellow - with each colour having its own meaning.
Next week, we will be celebrating our Festival of Curiosity, with every class being immersed in exciting activities to create awe and wonder, generate questions and promote big-thinking! This approach is at the heart of our Pre-Prep education, providing children with opportunities to be active learners and to develop their confidence, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. We look forward to sharing our experiences with you next week and remember you can keep in touch with Pre-Prep learning and events by following our Pre-Prep Instagram post (hzgpreprep)!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Miss Strugnell