It's Been a Week Full of Activities For Pre-Prep, Read Miss Strugnell's Round Up of the Week Here!
We were thrilled to see the Princess of Wales highlighting the importance of Early Years education as she launched The Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood's new #shapingus campaign this week.
She explained how the early years "fundamentally shapes the rest of our lives" and how the campaign aims to "raise awareness of the life-changing impact we can have when we build a supportive, nurturing world around children". The Princess of Wales continued to explain how, "by focusing our collective time, energy and resources on these...years, we can make a huge difference to the physical and mental health of generations to come". It is wonderful to see the Princess of Wales raising the profile of Early Years education and visiting Universities to talk to students and join lectures on childhood learning and development, emphasising what we know to be paramount to children’s success – a positive early years, from pregnancy to five years of age, with a high-quality early years education.
These beliefs underpin our practice and vision here in the Pre-Prep, providing children with opportunities to develop as individuals; not just academically but socially, emotionally and physically too. By providing such a vast range of learning opportunities within our school day, from the moment children join us at two years of age, we are able to nurture children and help them to thrive, in an environment where they feel confident and safe. Forest School, for example, could be mistaken for being just a lovely time in the woods; however, this valuable time supports children to take measured risks, work collaboratively, engage with nature, and develop confidence. Again, if you popped your head into Nursery, you would be forgiven for thinking that the children are ‘just playing’ and having a lovely time, without knowing that every activity has been created to support and challenge children across the early years curriculum; especially with their Communication and Language, Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) and their Physical Development, as we know these are the foundations for a happy child who is emotionally and physically ready for the next steps in education and life.
We have loved welcoming Nursery, Reception and Year 1 families into class this week, and look forward to Year 2 parents joining us next Wednesday, and hope this offered you an insight into the creative and caring ways in which the Pre-Prep team support your children in being the best versions of themselves.
Do remember to give us a follow on our new Pre-Prep Instagram page ( @hzgpreprep ) to see us in action!
Wishing you all a very happy weekend!
Hannah Strugnell
Instagram: @hzgpreprep
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