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children walking

Year 1 trip to Gore Farm

Year 1 trip to Gore Farm
PrePrep Trips

Just after half term, we visited Gore Farm in Trent on a lovely sunny day.

During the morning we made a tour of the farm itself; we met all the animals, fed the lambs with bottles, and watched the calves have their late breakfast. The goats, Tom and Ben, were very entertaining and are both such characters! A particular highlight for the children during this morning session was sitting on bales in the barn and being able to hold a small chick, gosling or duckling on their laps! The baby pheasants were only a few days old.

After a picnic lunch, we had a wonderful trailer ride to visit the Parks Plantation. The weather continued to be kind to us and under Mr and Mrs Casely’s guidance, we explored the woods and collected plants and minibeasts of all shapes and sizes, including some impressively large snails and slugs!

All in all, we had a truly unforgettable day and we are very grateful to Stuart and Tessa Casely for all their hard work and for everything they did to make us feel so welcome.

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Year 1 trip to Gore Farm