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Our boarders are feeling thankful this weekend

Our boarders are feeling thankful this weekend

“Rise and shine wood-chuck-chuckers, it’s Groundhog Day”…well, Saturday was officially Groundhog Day, but then again…

After a weekend of playing in the snow, we woke to a brilliantly blue sunny sky. We enjoyed our much-needed lie in this morning and made our way to breakfast. After delicious croissants and jam, and letter-writing, we donned our trainers and headed off to ten-pin bowling. The children were divided in to teams and proved to be much better than the adult in their teams!

Roast lunch awaited us. I feel that at this point I must make special mention of Joe, one of our very dear chefs in the kitchen. Joe prepared not just a roast but two roast meats – beef and pork, not just roast potatoes but also potato rosti and not just two obligatory  vegetables, but 7 scrumptious vegetables…and this was all done with love and care. We are very lucky indeed.

After lunch, the children enjoyed a rest and the afternoon saw the children enjoy activities in the pool, sports hall, IT room, and the boarders’ common room.

The activities were rounded off with a cup of hot chocolate and a movie. Chapel followed before we headed off to supper. What a week and weekend – do follow us on Twitter to keep up to date and see our snow pics.

Mr Schreiber 

Click here to see all the photographs in our Flickr album


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Our boarders are feeling thankful this weekend