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A Sunny Trip to Ham Hill for our Boarders

A Sunny Trip to Ham Hill for our Boarders
Prep Boarding

The boarders had a fantastic day on Sunday, kicking off with a famous Hazlegrove full English breakfast.

After that the juniors hit the road to visit nearby Ham Hill, following the Roman adventure trail to solve clues and learn about the amazing history of the area. After having had a good explore (and making friends with lots of dogs!) we finished up with some time on the woodland playground and some good old-fashioned tree climbing. We headed back to school, where the seniors had been enjoying some competitive rounders and games, and enjoyed delicious sausage rolls for lunch.

We then enjoyed afternoon activities, including go-kart time trials, Sphero robots, cricket, tennis and the wellbeing garden. We then had some popcorn with movies and a brilliantly thought-provoking chapel from the one and only Rev Bev. A super, sunny Sunday – well done boarders, you were wonderful company!



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A Sunny Trip to Ham Hill for our Boarders