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From Autumnal Art to Total Wipeout the boarders had a great day...

From Autumnal Art to Total Wipeout the boarders had a great day...

As Sunday morning arrived we were very pleased to see the weather had cleared up after being battered by tropical storm Angus during the night. As usual we began the weekend with a scrumptious breakfast cooked by Joe and his team. I can't think of a better way to start off the day than with one of Joe's full English fry ups, I look forward to it every week.

Mr Davis took chapel and talked about one of his biblical heroes Daniel. We explored the theme of being bold, being strong  and trying to live life with integrity. Such valuable life lessons!

After letter writing the activities began in earnest. Mrs Warford our new art teacher inspired some of the boarders to produce some magnificent autumnal prints which will be shown on the website. I know it's only November but Miss North and Miss Spence couldn't resist getting into the Christmas spirit and did some wonderful craft activities. Mr Kenny also being very creative and technically minded helped some of the children to make some wonderful Advent calendars. The children really enjoyed being given the opportunity to design, research and use their own initiative. Those who were up for a more physical challenge came to the sports hall to do some gym. Lots of fun somersaulting, jumping, swinging, vaulting and sliding was enjoyed by them all.

After a great morning and delicious lunch it was time for the main event of the day " Total Wipeout!" We hired an inflatable that replicated part of the Total Wipeout television show. This six player game had two rotating sweeper arms. Each person stood on a foam numbered podium which was fixed on an inflatable bed. The speed and the direction of the padded arms were controlled by an operator. The children had to duck under one and jump over the second, if they got knocked over by either they were out! Lots screaming, laughing and fun was had.This game was not for the faint-hearted and only the fittest and the strongest were victorious and left standing!

At the same time if any of the children found the inflatable insanity too much they went across to the cookery room where they got the chance to listen to some soothing music and bake some gingerbread in different shapes and sizes.

Another great weekend for our Hazlegrove boarders finished off with a delicious supper and of course,"Dover Patrol!"

Click here to see the photo album of the weekend in Flickr...


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From Autumnal Art to Total Wipeout the boarders had a great day...