Year 5 Attend Hazleworts In Exciting Science Lessons
Year 5 have attended Hazleworts this week as the science labs have been transformed into Severus Snape's Potions Class!
Sparks have flown as they have learned 'wand skills', performing both the 'lumos' and the 'stupefy' spells (all the while observing the chemical reactions taking place). A few drops of The Sorting Hat potion into each pupil's vial of clear liquid placed them into either Hufflepuff (yellow), Slytherin (green), Ravenclaw blue), or Gryffindor (red) House as their liquid magically changed colour.
The potions class continued, and observations were made as a few 'magical ingredients' were combined such as vampire blood, crushed unicorn horn, basilisk venom, phoenix tears and dementor dust!
What a magical week!
Mr Brown