News From The Library..
We are currently halfway through our ‘Great Balloon Challenge’ with each year group combining their word count to reach the goal of 10 million words to get to Exosphere! We have 5F, 6P1, 6P2 and 8P2 who are out in front and have read nearly 5 million words; please keep encouraging your children to read.
We currently have 9 millionaires Indigo E, Wilbur L, Leon D, Matthew R, Finn R, Orla H, Sacha C, Luke J, Lorelei B, Magnus M and Rollo V with plenty more to come.
There are two new displays in the library; one is mirroring Netflix's most-watched homepage and the other is all about other people's lives. The ‘Bookflix’ display is to motivate the children in a fun and informal way. The ‘Other Lives’ display is to ensure children are understanding what life is like for different children.
Mr Edwards