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children walking

Fun Weekend For Boarders

Fun Weekend For Boarders
Prep Boarding

Early in the morning we were treated to a full English breakfast, which as most of the children went for seconds, was delicious.

We were then joined by the Rev’d Beverely from King’s Bruton who spoke to us about the definition of words, we now all know the meaning of the word ‘throttlebottom’! The message was about the definition of ‘Love’ though and how the bible gives us the perfect definition. We learnt that it is giving to those who are less fortunate than ourselves.

After chapel, we all hopped onto the minibuses and headed to Lytes Cary. The October sun appeared and it was over 20 degrees! We were in three groups and explored the woodland walks and playgrounds, the estate and the rivers. We then made our way back for lunch. And what a lunch we had. Roast pork, with all the trimmings and sticky toffee pudding for dessert. It was much needed after our walk.

In the afternoon, we started by letter writing and some prep time. The children were then introduced to ‘Conker Wars’. The Hazlegrove Conker Championship took place on the same day as the World Conker Championship! Though ours was much more exciting. After many a hit we had our champions from Lower, Middle and Upper school. Alec M-F, Alex L and Emma CT; their names will go down in History.

The children then had some free time, where they played football explored the woods, before having a break, sitting down and watching a movie.

A wonderful end to the first half term back.

Miss Milne

Click here to see all the photographs on Flickr

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Fun Weekend For Boarders