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children walking

8S Charity Sleep Out

8S Charity Sleep Out
Charity Prep

Harper Lee once said that you never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view, until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.

Or in our case, sleep like someone else.  The night before the half term break saw the children from 8S sleep out – they slept around the school (on the concrete floor outside the Fitzjames building), on cardboard boxes, in support of local people who are homeless. The charity for which they were raising money was Street Pastors in Yeovil.

After school, the children met for supper – a BBQ and a chat by Mrs Bartlett, who shared the charity’s mission statement and helped the children better understand the challenges facing this charity. Mr Edwards then read a moving poem about homelessness and led a discussion about the plight of homeless people.

After this, the children went on a 7 mile walk with Mr Capozzoli and me, along the Corten Denham ridge. We returned to school just before dark, and unfolded our cardboard boxes and prepared ourselves for a night in the open air. The children were remarkable – no grumbles and all done with a touching generosity of spirit.

The children raised over £800 for the charity – thank you to all those families and friends who supported this worthy cause.

Mr Schreiber

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8S Charity Sleep Out