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Our Boarders Develop Confidence in Talents This Weekend

Our Boarders Develop Confidence in Talents This Weekend
Prep Boarding

Breakfast on Sunday was a well-needed treat after the disappointment that was lingering from the previous day’s 32-12 rugby score-line.

Warm, crispy croissants and delicious porridge, with a selection of options to personalise, was just what was needed. Swiftly into letter writing; this was a lovely opportunity to re-live the adventures that took place over the half term holidays and share them with family members, friends and fellow boarders. Although it has been a shortened first week back, there have been so many memories to report back to families. Each Class have collaborated, shared ideas and been incredibly creative in their ‘Guy’ building for the Bonfire Night celebrations that took place on Friday night. The theme was ‘Creatures from the Deep Blue Sea’ and there was such an array of creatures; including mermaids and mermen, jellyfish, octopuses and strange looking monsters.

Sunday’s Chapel was centred around an important message from the Bible, delivered by Mr Jenkins; developing the knowledge and the confidence to use your talents. It was so interesting to see boarders have such a fearless attitude to demonstrate their own talent to the wider audience. There were some very deep voices, whole fists that were stuffed into mouths, walking on hands and other gymnastics skills. This built nicely into the diverse selection of morning activities; gymnastics, dance (haka), laser tag in the woods, cooking, 5 a side football and swimming.

Some delicious chocolate cookies were made and stood up to the taste test. Those that took part in the Laser Tag skirmishes in the woods were fully committed to not getting hit. It was inspiring to see a huge amount of determination to overcome difficulty and improve skills in the gymnastics and parkour activities. Every child was pushing their limitations and challenging themselves to overcome their fears.

Lunch was a ‘show-stopper’ from the catering team- a mouth watering Sunday Roast followed by cinnamon rolls. While that was digesting, the Year 8 pupils headed off for a short and productive revision session, the others nestled into their book. Later in the afternoon, a selection of pupils put on performances for the boarders. They were treated to a high-octane gymnastics performance to music, somersaults and cartwheels galore! This was followed up by a fearsome rendition of the haka.

Ending the day with a movie and popcorn in the theatre was a lovely shared experience that the boarders could chat about as they headed over for supper.

Mr Brown

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Our Boarders Develop Confidence in Talents This Weekend