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Lower School Maths Morning

Lower School Maths Morning

Lower School Maths Morning is always popular with the Year 3 and 4 children.  The children were put into mixed Year 3 and 4 teams the the morning was spent completing a series of challenges around school. Here are some comments from the children...

 "My favourite part was wellie tossing- seeing how far we could throw. I enjoyed measuring with the tape measure and trying to beat my score each time." Sam H

"I got confused with the cricket pavilion and athletics shed in the treasure hunt! This took ten minutes running round on the field and I had a stitch!" Caspar S

"I really liked the wellie tossing as I threw it furthest out of our two groups." Elliot S

"I liked it in the swimming pool where we had to measure the weight of marbles and sse how many marbles it took to sink a wooden boat." Khadijah 

"I liked finding the numbers to make up the crossword. – my team solved 7 clues." Phoebe C

"I love crosswords – it was different having to write numbers instead of words. How many miles across the moon was difficult to estimate." Otis S

" I really enjoyed doing all the maths questions and competitions.they were all really fun especially the treasure hunt when the teams were racing the stopwatch to get the longest and correct chain of letters.We learnt how to measure with a tape measure,how to work out maths crosswords and we learnt different ways of finding out answers." Daisy P

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Lower School Maths Morning