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Year 3 stepped back in time and became Romans for the day

Year 3 stepped back in time and became Romans for the day

Stepping back in time and visiting Roman Britain was very exciting on Friday for Year 3 pupils.

The children were greeted by Davidus – a Roman solider responsible for controlling the Celts. Davidus showed us his home and shared stories of how different life was in Roman times. We learnt that the walls of his house were made from mixing cow dung with chalk and how the Romans had under floor heating!

We then learnt how to make medicine using grasses and grains, mixing it together with a pestle and mortar. This was called a poultice and was used to stop bleeding, just like a modern day plaster! After lunch we created Roman mosaic floor patterns and then sat around a fire and heard how Boudicca was defeated by the Romans.

Mrs Bartlett.

"It was such an exciting day and we all learnt so much!" - Rosie and Bibi

Click here to see all the photographs in our Flickr album


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Year 3 stepped back in time and became Romans for the day