An exciting Inter-house Gardening Competition
Following our EarthWyz Festival, which looked in detail at food miles and the issues connected with food being transported around the world to reach our supermarket shelves, we launched the inaugural Hazlegrove School Inter-House Gardening Competition back in March.
We have been delighted with the level of enthusiasm and commitment shown by pupils: children have asked for trowels, forks, and other items for birthday presents and brought a huge number of their own seeds and plants into school.
A range of ingenious methods have been used to promote speedy growing, alongside the indispensable ingredient of hard work! On one occasion, the chickens escaped from their coup and almost ruined a couple of beds but both houses bounced back, re-planted and one of them, most commendably ended up winning the competition: congratulations, Norton; your grit, resilience and faithful commitment have been most impressive!
The scores were very close in all 4 categories (presentation, quantity, quality and pro-activity) so well done, one and all, for contributing so admirably!
Please click here to see the photographs in our Flickr album