All the latest sports news at half-term...
A sports roundup at half-term...
We are off to the Nationals!
Congratulations to our U13 Boys hockey team who have qualified for the National IAPS Finals.
Yesterday, they played in the South West Regional Finals and finished 3rd overall out of the 24 schools.
Well done to both our U11 and U13 boys teams that have recently competed in their IAPS Regional Hockey Finals.
Cross Country
A huge well done to the eight Hazlegrove children that represented Somerset last Saturday at the South West Schools Cross Country. They all ran superbly in very muddy conditions.
Well done to both the U13a team and the U12b team who finished in 3rd place at the recent Millfield Tournaments.
Congratulations to Florence D and Isla W who competed at the ‘Just for Girls’ National Judo Finals - a great experience and well done to Isla for her superb bronze medal.