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Andrew Thompson illustration day

Andrew Thompson illustration day
Library art and dt

On day 2 of the Festival of Literature, various groups of children from different year groups had workshops with the illustrator Andrew Thompson.

Andrew told the children about his work drawing and animating for the Harry Potter, Sweeney Todd and Narnia films and showed them many examples of his work leading them through the complete process. He also showed them how to make a super hero.

The children spent time animating their work and creating their own super animations, which if you put all the iPads together, made a big picture.

It was a good day - thank you Andrew Thompson!

Here are some comments from the children:

  • ‘It was really fun doing the animations on the iPads’ Greta G
  • ‘I really liked it when we did the animation which were bouncing balls’ Holly M
  • ‘It was great and very interesting to hear that you can make it anywhere if you try’ Mani K

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Andrew Thompson illustration day