Sensational reading this term...
This Autumn Term so far we have read . . .
105,651,065 words
By this time last Autumn Term we had read . . .
66,972,643 words
This is an incredible increase of over 50% or in other words, more than half as much again!
"What is the reasoning behind this huge increase?" you may ask. This term we have increased the level of competition away from the individual pupil and put the emphasis on the class. More children are feeling secure as part of a group and are working together as a class to read as much as they can. All the classes are battling against each other and there are reading battles going on within year groups too. We have a League Table and each week the classes are trying to read their way up the League Table, trying not to slip down a place or two. We also have a Knock-out competition and are down to the Semi-Finals with four classes trying to out read each other.
We are still awarding D-Club badges for the children who have read 500,000 words in the Lower School and Millionaires badges for the children who have read one million words.
We are having an incredible term of reading, and above all, the children are having fun and are reading their socks off!
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