Please see below for answers to frequently asked questions...
We accept children from the age of 2 years but we recognise that children are ready to start Nursery at different ages.
We run our Squirrels Parent and Toddler group on Tuesday mornings during term time. This is an ideal opportunity for your child to become familiar with Hazlegrove and with our Nursery staff. Additionally, we invite you to attend a Nursery session with your child shortly before they are due to start Nursery.
There is one Nursery class led by a qualified teacher and supported by qualified Early Years Assistants. The adult:child ratio requirements of 1:4 for 2 year olds and 1:8 / 1:13 for 3-4 year olds are met and usually exceeded.
As with the rest of the school, classes are small enough to ensure that your child receives quality one to one attention but also large enough to encourage social interaction and play.
Children in the Hazlegrove Nursery are expected to move up to the adjacent Reception class in the September term when they are 4 years old - no separate application is required, although a term's notice is required for those children who leave at the end of Nursery and do not progress to Reception.
Those children who wish to proceed to reception are given priority in the allocation of Nursery places.
Please see the terms and conditions of the parent / school contract for further information if you need to withdraw your child from Hazlegrove at any stage.
Towards the end of the Summer Term, we aim to run a couple of introductory sessions allowing those children moving up, and those children joining Hazlegrove for Reception, to meet their new teacher and to have a chance to be in their new classroom.