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Reception Have an Amazing Start to the Term

Reception Have an Amazing Start to the Term
Pre-Prep PrePrep

The smiles and excitement on Wednesday morning as the children skipped into school have continued all week.

It has been wonderful to see the Reception children settle so quickly into their new classes and start to enjoy the outside space and the different activities that this term brings. On Wednesday we talked about how we were feeling and used the wonderful story of ‘The Colour Monster’ to discuss our emotions. We enjoyed spending time with Miss Dunnett in Forest school and were very excited to have lunch in the big dining hall! The children coped brilliantly with changing for PE on Thursday and enjoyed a fantastic session with Mrs Evans. It has been an amazing start to the term (despite the soggy weather!) and we cannot wait to see what next week has in store!

Mrs Sheldon and Miss Coker-Harris

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Reception Have an Amazing Start to the Term