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Year 2 Say Farewell to Pre-Prep and a Bright Hello to Year 3

Year 2 Say Farewell to Pre-Prep and a Bright Hello to Year 3
Pre-Prep PrePrep

With the end of term in our sights, we have had a busy week in Year 2.

As we have collected items and started to put them into bags to take home, there has been a lot of reminiscing and wonderful conversations about the many different activities and topics they have covered over the school year. “Look at my handwriting,” and “I remember when we did that,” has sparked conversations that show how much they have all changed and grown over the school year. It has been a lovely week to finish their last year in the Pre-Prep. The children are all looking forward to their summer holidays. Mrs Millard, Miss Coker Harris and Mrs Davison all wish them a happy holiday in the sunshine, and we look forward to lots of waves and smiles as we see them across the corridor when they start Year 3.

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Year 2 Say Farewell to Pre-Prep and a Bright Hello to Year 3