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Reception Wave Bye Bye to the Butterflies!

Reception Wave Bye Bye to the Butterflies!
Pre-Prep PrePrep

The smell of woodsmoke permeated the classroom on Wednesday as the children returned from their adventures in Forest School.

The opportunity to sit with your friends around the campfire, sharing food and drinking hot chocolate is possibly the very best way to spend a morning!

Earlier in the week there was huge excitement as we released our 10 Painted Lady butterflies onto the wildflowers in the Pre-Prep playground. The children have been fascinated by the different stages of the lifecycle and have taken this experience into their independent learning through writing, art and role play. Their amazing stories, Eric Carle collages and life cycle diagrams adorn the displays in the classroom. Our froglets are swimming freely in the school pond and our sunflowers have been planted out - with the hope they may encourage the sun to shine! It is hard to believe we are at half term already! The children have worked incredibly hard and amaze me every day with their confidence, enthusiasm, and independence. Next term we are travelling further afield, to Australia… we cannot wait!

Mrs Sheldon

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Reception Wave Bye Bye to the Butterflies!