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A super first week back for Nursery!

A super first week back for Nursery!
Nursery Pre-Prep


What a wonderful first week back we have had!

The Dragonflies have been eagerly looking for signs of Spring around school this week; including vibrant yellow daffodils and white snowdrops.  We started the week reading “Lulu loves flowers”; a beautiful story about a little girl who grows her flowers in her garden.  This inspired us to plant our own flowers and the children started the week by carefully following picture instructions to plant their own sunflower seed.  We are keeping our fingers crossed that all this rain helps them to thrive and grow tall!  We learned the nursery rhyme “Mary, Mary” and created our own music garden where the children can explore sounds and pitch using our tuned handbells.  A highlight of the week was the beautiful spring flowers that the children drew using oil pastels, carefully looking at shapes and colours.

The Ladybird classroom has been a busy place as the children investigated and found out what happens in Spring. We began the week by exploring sensory trays filled with spring related objects, this supported the children to learn a wider range of vocabulary and sparked them to create some wonderful springtime pictures using a range of media. We have looked at a range of lifecycles and found out about the different things that grow in Spring.

The children have been practicing their counting and number recognition through an exciting game of spring hide and seek in the garden. They found all of the hidden objects and then used the counting skills to find out how many objects there were all together. The Butterflies enjoyed some springtime number songs, using props to act them out.

On a windy and rainy Wednesday, we decided some colour was needed to brighten the day! We talked about the different weathers that come in Spring and decided that rainbows were a favourite! The Ladybirds became scientists for the morning and grew their very own rainbows, whilst the Butterflies ventured outside armed with paint and brushes to create rainbow puddles and explore colour mixing.

Miss Wadman and Miss Strugnell

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A super first week back for Nursery!