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Year 1: Nativity Practice and Plop the Barn Owl

Year 1: Nativity Practice and Plop the Barn Owl
Pre-Prep PrePrep

Plop the baby barn owl is one of our favourite characters!

We loved reading all about his quest to find out about the dark in the book “ The Owl who was afraid of the Dark” by Jill Tomlinson. The children were learning how to write speech and understand how the characters think and feel.

We also used the chalk pastels to draw some incredible owls which are now on display outside our classroom.

In maths, we continued with our shape topic, learning to identify and sort shapes according to properties as well as learning more about 3D shape.

Celebrating differences is our jigsaw PSHE topic. We have been playing games and completed activities to help us celebrate differences in each other. Lots of Nativity practice too with songs on repeat!!

Mrs Jenkins

Flickr album: Year 1, Forest School, Week 10, Autumn Term 2023 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin


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Year 1: Nativity Practice and Plop the Barn Owl